bin laden

Barack Obama Calms Crying Baby With Presidential Magic [VIDEO]
Barack Obama Calms Crying Baby With Presidential Magic [VIDEO]
Barack Obama Calms Crying Baby With Presidential Magic [VIDEO]
First he found Bin Laden and now he’s quieting the cries of our nation’s babies. In an official White House video that’s circulating today, Barack and Michelle Obama are greeting a crowd of visitors when the first lady picks up a fan’s baby. The infant is wailing, but when she’s handed over to the president, her cries instantly stop. Watch the clip below:
WWE Fans React To Bin Laden
WWE Fans React To Bin Laden
WWE Fans React To Bin Laden
Even the WWE got in on the celebration last night. In a championship match won by John Cena, John paused in his victory speech to announce the news to the crowd that U.S. special forces overwhelmed Bin Laden. Here's the crowd's reaction...